\jˈuːnɪd͡ʒənˌɪtə͡l], \jˈuːnɪdʒənˌɪtəl], \j_ˈuː_n_ɪ_dʒ_ə_n_ˌɪ_t_əl]\
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[=u]-ni-jen'i-tal, adj. only-begotten.--ns. UNIGEN'ITURE, the state of being the only begotten; UNIGEN'ITUS, the name of the famous obscurantist bull issued by Clement XI. in 1713, at the instance of the JESUITS, in condemnation of the Jansenist Quesnel's admirable annotations on the New Testament.
By Thomas Davidson
Word of the day
acquired lymphangiectasis
- L. due to lymphatic obstruction as from filarial elephantiasis.