\sˈa͡ɪfən], \sˈaɪfən], \s_ˈaɪ_f_ə_n]\
Definitions of SIPHON
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1913 - Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1898 - Warner's pocket medical dictionary of today.
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
- 1920 - A dictionary of scientific terms.
- 1846 - Medical lexicon: a dictionary of medical science
- 1898 - American pocket medical dictionary
- 1916 - Appleton's medical dictionary
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
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convey, draw off, or empty by or as if by a siphon
a tube running from the liquid in a vessel to a lower level outside the vessel so that atmospheric pressure forces the liquid through the tube
By Princeton University
convey, draw off, or empty by or as if by a siphon
a tube running from the liquid in a vessel to a lower level outside the vessel so that atmospheric pressure forces the liquid through the tube
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
A device, consisting of a pipe or tube bent so as to form two branches or legs of unequal length, by which a liquid can be transferred to a lower level, as from one vessel to another, over an intermediate elevation, by the action of the pressure of the atmosphere in forcing the liquid up the shorter branch of the pipe immersed in it, while the continued excess of weight of the liquid in the longer branch (when once filled) causes a continuous flow. The flow takes place only when the discharging extremity of the pipe ia lower than the higher liquid surface, and when no part of the pipe is higher above the surface than the same liquid will rise by atmospheric pressure; that is, about 33 feet for water, and 30 inches for mercury, near the sea level.
One of the tubes or folds of the mantle border of a bivalve or gastropod mollusk by which water is conducted into the gill cavity. See Illust. under Mya, and Lamellibranchiata.
The anterior prolongation of the margin of any gastropod shell for the protection of the soft siphon.
The tubular organ through which water is ejected from the gill cavity of a cephaloid. It serves as a locomotive organ, by guiding and confining the jet of water. Called also siphuncle. See Illust. under Loligo, and Dibranchiata.
The siphuncle of a cephalopod shell.
The sucking proboscis of certain parasitic insects and crustaceans.
A sproutlike prolongation in front of the mouth of many gephyreans.
A tubular organ connected both with the esophagus and the intestine of certain sea urchins and annelids.
To convey, or draw off, by means of a siphon, as a liquid from one vessel to another at a lower level.
By Oddity Software
A device, consisting of a pipe or tube bent so as to form two branches or legs of unequal length, by which a liquid can be transferred to a lower level, as from one vessel to another, over an intermediate elevation, by the action of the pressure of the atmosphere in forcing the liquid up the shorter branch of the pipe immersed in it, while the continued excess of weight of the liquid in the longer branch (when once filled) causes a continuous flow. The flow takes place only when the discharging extremity of the pipe ia lower than the higher liquid surface, and when no part of the pipe is higher above the surface than the same liquid will rise by atmospheric pressure; that is, about 33 feet for water, and 30 inches for mercury, near the sea level.
One of the tubes or folds of the mantle border of a bivalve or gastropod mollusk by which water is conducted into the gill cavity. See Illust. under Mya, and Lamellibranchiata.
The anterior prolongation of the margin of any gastropod shell for the protection of the soft siphon.
The tubular organ through which water is ejected from the gill cavity of a cephaloid. It serves as a locomotive organ, by guiding and confining the jet of water. Called also siphuncle. See Illust. under Loligo, and Dibranchiata.
The siphuncle of a cephalopod shell.
The sucking proboscis of certain parasitic insects and crustaceans.
A sproutlike prolongation in front of the mouth of many gephyreans.
A tubular organ connected both with the esophagus and the intestine of certain sea urchins and annelids.
To convey, or draw off, by means of a siphon, as a liquid from one vessel to another at a lower level.
By Noah Webster.
A bent pipe or tube having one end longer than the other, used for drawing off liquids from a higher to a lower level; a bottle fitted with such a tube.
To draw off by such a tube.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
By William R. Warner
By Daniel Lyons
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman
A prolongation of the mantle in Lamellibranchs into a longer and shorter tube through which the water of respiration enters and leaves the mantle cavity; a similar respiratory structure of Gasteropods, found modified also in Cephalopods; a sucking proboscis.
By Henderson, I. F.; Henderson, W. D.
A bent tube, whose limbs are of unequal length, employed in pharmacy for transferring liquids from one vessel to another. With this view, the shorter limb is plunged into the liquid; and air is sucked from the extremity of the lower limb. The pressure of the atmosphere forces the fluid through the tube; and the flow will continue as long as the extremity of the longer limb is below the level of the fluid in which the shorter limb is immersed. An exhausting syringe is, at times, attached to the longer extremity of the siphon, by means of which the air can be drawn from it.
By Robley Dunglison
By Willam Alexander Newman Dorland
A bent tube by means of which a continuous flow of liquid can be maintained so long as the outlet of the s. is below the level of the surface of the body of liquid from which the stream is drawn, although part of the s. rises above that surface. [Gr.]
By Smith Ely Jelliffe
Word of the day
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- A membranous cells formed around notochord from inner part the protovertebral column previous to cartilaginous differentiation of permanent vertebrae in embryo.