\vˈe͡ɪpə], \vˈeɪpə], \v_ˈeɪ_p_ə]\
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Vaporer, vapourer.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
n. [Latin] Any substance in the gaseous or aeriform state, the condition of which is ordinarily that of a liquid or solid;—in a loose and popular sense, any visible diffused substance floating in the Atmosphere and impairing its transparency, as smoke, fog, or the like wind; flatulence;—vain imagination ; unreal fancy; airy or unsubstantial dream ;—something unsubstantial, fleeting, or transitory;—pl. A disease of nervous debility, in which a variety of strange images float in the brain, of appear as if visible; hypochondriacal affections; dejection; spleen.