\θˈɜːsti], \θˈɜːsti], \θ_ˈɜː_s_t_i]\
Definitions of THIRSTY
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1913 - Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
Sort: Oldest first
(usually followed by `for') extremely desirous; "athirst for knowledge"; "hungry for recognition"; "thirsty for informaton"
able to take in large quantities of moisture; "thirsty towels"
feeling a need or desire to drink; "after playing hard the children were thirsty"
By Princeton University
(usually followed by `for') extremely desirous; "athirst for knowledge"; "hungry for recognition"; "thirsty for informaton"
able to take in large quantities of moisture; "thirsty towels"
feeling a need or desire to drink; "after playing hard the children were thirsty"
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
Feeling thirst; having a painful or distressing sensation from want of drink; hence, having an eager desire.
Deficient in moisture; dry; parched.
By Oddity Software
Feeling thirst; having a painful or distressing sensation from want of drink; hence, having an eager desire.
Deficient in moisture; dry; parched.
By Noah Webster.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
By Daniel Lyons
By James Champlin Fernald