\θˈɛkə sˈɛl tjˈuːmə], \θˈɛkə sˈɛl tjˈuːmə], \θ_ˈɛ_k_ə s_ˈɛ_l t_j_ˈuː_m_ə]\
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A sex cord-stromal tumor of the postmenopausal ovary that is yellow, large, and unilateral, composed of fascicles of lipid-rich spindle cells interspersed with collagen, reticulin fibers, and hyaline plaques. Thecomas and other estrogen-producing tumors (e.g., granulosa cell tumors) may induce adenomatous hyperplasia of the endometrium or well-differentiated endometrial carcinoma in 3%-20% of the cases. (Segen, Dictionary of Modern Medicine, 1992)
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
Word of the day
- In statutes of frauds. An open, visible, and unequivocal change possession, manifested by the usual outward signs, as distinguished from a merely formal or constructive change. Randall Parker, 3 Sandf. (Y.) 09; Murcii v. Swensen, 40 Minn. 421, 42 N. W. 290; Dodge v. .Tones, 7 Mont. 121, 14 Pac. 707; Stevens Irwin, 15 Cal. 503. 76 Am. Dec. 500