\spˈɜːmɐsˌɛti], \spˈɜːmɐsˌɛti], \s_p_ˈɜː_m_ɐ_s_ˌɛ_t_i]\
Definitions of SPERMACETI
- 1908 - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary of the English Language
- 1846 - Medical lexicon: a dictionary of medical science
- 1900 - A dictionary of medicine and the allied sciences
- 1919 - The concise Oxford dictionary of current English
- 1898 - American pocket medical dictionary
- 1916 - Appleton's medical dictionary
- 1895 - Glossary of terms and phrases
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
Sort: Oldest first
sper-ma-set'i, or-s[=e]'t[=i], n. a waxy matter obtained mixed with oil from the head of the sperm-whale--purified by draining off the oil and repeatedly washing with hot water and weak boiling potash-lye.--adj. derived from, or yielding, spermaceti.--n. SPERMACET'I-WHALE, the sperm-whale. [L. sperma, c[=e]tus, a whale--Gr. k[=e]tos.]
By Thomas Davidson
By Robley Dunglison
[Latin] A white crystalline substance consisting mainly of cetyl palmitate, C16H33.C16H31O2, obtained from the head of the sperm whale. Used as an emollient internally or externally in the form of Ceratum cetacei, U. S., and Unguentum cetacei, B. P.
By Alexander Duane
White brittle fatty substance contained in solution in heads of sperm whale &c., used for candles& ointments. [French]
By Sir Augustus Henry
By Willam Alexander Newman Dorland
In the skull of the, white whale, there is a cavity filled with an oil which partially solidifies upon death. The solid portion is known as spermaceti; the liquid portion as spermaceti oil. S. consists chiefly of the ethylester of. palmitic acid. The s. oil is a mixture of the glycerin esters of valeric, physetoleic, and the higher fatty acids. [Lat.]
By Smith Ely Jelliffe
By Henry Percy Smith
Word of the day
ammonium chlorid
- Sal ammoniac, NH4CI, found native volcanic regions small quantities sea water and formed artificially by the direct combination of ammonia hydrochloric acid gas. Used in bronchitis.