\spˈiːk], \spˈiːk], \s_p_ˈiː_k]\
Definitions of SPEAK
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
Sort: Oldest first
give a speech to; "The chairman addressed the board of trustees"
express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize"
exchange thoughts; talk with; "We often talk business"; "Actions talk louder than words"
By Princeton University
give a speech to; "The chairman addressed the board of trustees"
express in speech; "She talks a lot of nonsense"; "This depressed patient does not verbalize"
exchange thoughts; talk with; "We often talk business"; "Actions talk louder than words"
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
To utter words or articulate sounds, as human beings; to express thoughts by words; as, the organs may be so obstructed that a man may not be able to speak.
To express opinions; to say; to talk; to converse.
To utter a speech, discourse, or harangue; to adress a public assembly formally.
To give sound; to sound.
To convey sentiments, ideas, or intelligence as if by utterance; as, features that speak of self-will.
To utter with the mouth; to pronounce; to utter articulately, as human beings.
To utter in a word or words; to say; to tell; to declare orally; as, to speak the truth; to speak sense.
To declare; to proclaim; to publish; to make known; to exhibit; to express in any way.
To talk or converse in; to utter or pronounce, as in conversation; as, to speak Latin.
To address; to accost; to speak to.
By Oddity Software
To utter words; as, to speak distinctly; talk; tell; mention; as, do not speak of this; make an address or speech; as, he spoke for an hour; convey ideas; as, our actions speak for us.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
To utter words or articulate sounds: to say: to talk: to converse: to sound.
To pronounce: to converse in: to address: to declare: to express by signs:-pa.t. spoke or spake; pa.p. spoken.
By Daniel Lyons
Word of the day
Travel Documents
- The commitment in writing, authentic evidence, something having legal importance. concept includes certificates of birth, death, etc., well as hospital, medical, and other institutional records.