\ʃˈɛltə], \ʃˈɛltə], \ʃ_ˈɛ_l_t_ə]\
Definitions of SHELTER
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1913 - Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
Sort: Oldest first
provide shelter for; "After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people"
a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger
protective covering that provides protection from the weather
a way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earnings
invest (money) so that it is not taxable
By Princeton University
provide shelter for; "After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people"
a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger
protective covering that provides protection from the weather
a way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earnings
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
That which covers or defends from injury or annoyance; a protection; a screen.
One who protects; a guardian; a defender.
The state of being covered and protected; protection; security.
To be a shelter for; to provide with a shelter; to cover from injury or annoyance; to shield; to protect.
To screen or cover from notice; to disguise.
To take shelter.
To betake to cover, or to a safe place; - used reflexively.
By Oddity Software
That which covers or defends from injury or annoyance; a protection; a screen.
One who protects; a guardian; a defender.
The state of being covered and protected; protection; security.
To be a shelter for; to provide with a shelter; to cover from injury or annoyance; to shield; to protect.
To screen or cover from notice; to disguise.
To take shelter.
To betake to cover, or to a safe place; - used reflexively.
By Noah Webster.
To take shelter.
That which shields or protects: a refuge: a retreat, a harbor: one who protects, a guardian: the state of being covered or protected: protection.
To cover or shield: to defend: to conceal.
By Daniel Lyons
That which protects or covers; a house; refuge; defense; state of being protected or covered.
To protect or shield; to cover or place in safety; conceal.
To take refuge.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman
By James Champlin Fernald