\sˌanbənˈiːtə͡ʊ], \sˌanbənˈiːtəʊ], \s_ˌa_n_b_ə_n_ˈiː_t_əʊ]\
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Anciently, a sackcloth coat worn by penitents on being reconciled to the church.
A garnment or cap, or sometimes both, painted with flames, figures, etc., and worn by persons who had been examined by the Inquisition and were brought forth for punishment at the auto-da-fe.
By Oddity Software
Anciently, a sackcloth coat worn by penitents on being reconciled to the church.
A garnment or cap, or sometimes both, painted with flames, figures, etc., and worn by persons who had been examined by the Inquisition and were brought forth for punishment at the auto-da-fe.
By Noah Webster.
san-be-n[=e]'t[=o], n. a garment grotesquely decorated with flames, devils, &c., worn by the victims of the Inquisition--at an auto-de-fe--for public recantation or execution. [Sp., from its resemblance in shape to the garment of the order of St Benedict--Sp. San Benito.]
By Thomas Davidson
(pl. -os). Penitential scapular-shaped yellow garment with red St Andrew\'s cross before& behind worn by confessed& penitent heretic under Spanish Inquisition; similar black garment painted with flames& devils worn by impenitent heretic at auto-da-fe.
By Sir Augustus Henry
Word of the day
- Being indicating fourth syllable from end of a word, or that before the antepenult.