\ɹɪfɹˈaktɪv dɪplˈə͡ʊpi͡əz], \ɹɪfɹˈaktɪv dɪplˈəʊpiəz], \ɹ_ɪ_f_ɹ_ˈa_k_t_ɪ_v d_ɪ_p_l_ˈəʊ_p_iə_z]\
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A visual symptom in which a single object is perceived by the visual cortex as two objects rather than one. Disorders associated with this condition include REFRACTIVE ERRORS; STRABISMUS; OCULOMOTOR NERVE DISEASES; TROCHLEAR NERVE DISEASES; ABDUCENS NERVE DISEASES; and diseases of the BRAIN STEM and OCCIPITAL LOBE.
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
Word of the day
- It is used an emulsifier, thickener, suspending agent, etc., cosmetics pharmaceuticals; research culture medium; in chromatography as a stabilizer for reagents; and therapeutically bulk laxative with antacid properties.