\pˈʊ͡ə], \pˈʊə], \p_ˈʊə]\
Definitions of POOR
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
Sort: Oldest first
deserving or inciting pity; "a hapless victim"; "miserable victims of war"; "the shabby room struck her as extraordinarily pathetic"- Galsworthy; "piteous appeals for help"; "pitiable homeless children"; "a pitiful fate"; "couldn't rescue the poor fellow"; "his poor distorted limbs"; "a wretched life"
yielding little by great labor; "a hardscrabble farm"; "poor soil"
moderate to inferior in quality; "they improved the quality from mediocre to above average"; "he would make a poor spy"
unsatisfactory; "a poor light for reading"; "poor morale"
low in degree; "expectations were poor"
having little money or few possessions; "deplored the gap between rich and poor countries"; "the proverbial poor artist living in a garret"
badly supplied with desirable qualities or substances; "a poor land"; "the area was poor in timber and coal"; "food poor in nutritive value"
characterized by or indicating lack of money; "the country had a poor economy"
By Princeton University
yielding little by great labor; "a hardscrabble farm"; "poor soil"
moderate to inferior in quality; "they improved the quality from mediocre to above average"; "he would make a poor spy"
unsatisfactory; "a poor light for reading"; "poor morale"
low in degree; "expectations were poor"
having little money or few possessions; "deplored the gap between rich and poor countries"; "the proverbial poor artist living in a garret"
badly supplied with desirable qualities or substances; "a poor land"; "the area was poor in timber and coal"; "food poor in nutritive value"
characterized by or indicating lack of money; "the country had a poor economy"
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
Destitute of property; wanting in material riches or goods; needy; indigent.
So completely destitute of property as to be entitled to maintenance from the public.
Destitute of such qualities as are desirable, or might naturally be expected
Wanting in fat, plumpness, or fleshiness; lean; emaciated; meager; as, a poor horse, ox, dog, etc.
Wanting in strength or vigor; feeble; dejected; as, poor health; poor spirits.
Of little value or worth; not good; inferior; shabby; mean; as, poor clothes; poor lodgings.
Destitute of fertility; exhausted; barren; sterile; -- said of land; as, poor soil.
Destitute of beauty, fitness, or merit; as, a poor discourse; a poor picture.
Without prosperous conditions or good results; unfavorable; unfortunate; unconformable; as, a poor business; the sick man had a poor night.
Inadequate; insufficient; insignificant; as, a poor excuse.
Worthy of pity or sympathy; -- used also sometimes as a term of endearment, or as an expression of modesty, and sometimes as a word of contempt.
Free from self-assertion; not proud or arrogant; meek.
A small European codfish (Gadus minutus); -- called also power cod.
By Oddity Software
Having little or no means; lacking riches; lacking in good qualities; without strength; without beauty; dejected; spiritless; humble; lean; inferior; without fertility; scanty; calling forth tenderness or pity.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
Without means: needy: spiritless: depressed: (B.) humble: contrite: wanting in appearance: lean: wanting in strength: weak: wanting in value: inferior: wanting in fertility: sterile: wanting in fitness, beauty, or dignity: trifling: paltry: dear (endearingly).
By Daniel Lyons
By James Champlin Fernald