\pˈə͡ʊl], \pˈəʊl], \p_ˈəʊ_l]\
Definitions of POLL
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1913 - Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
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get the opinions of people, for example
the counting of votes (as in an election)
a tame parrot
the part of the head between the ears
get the votes of
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
the counting of votes (as in an election)
a tame parrot
the part of the head between the ears
get the votes of
convert into a pollard; "pollard trees"
get the opinions (of people) by asking specific questions
By Princeton University
The head; the back part of the head.
A number or aggregate of heads; a list or register of heads or individuals.
Specifically, the register of the names of electors who may vote in an election.
The casting or recording of the votes of registered electors; as, the close of the poll.
The place where the votes are cast or recorded; as, to go to the polls.
The broad end of a hammer; the but of an ax.
The European chub. See Pollard, 3 (a).
To remove the poll or head of; hence, to remove the top or end of; to clip; to lop; to shear; as, to poll the head; to poll a tree.
To extort from; to plunder; to strip.
To pay as one's personal tax.
To enter, as polls or persons, in a list or register; to enroll, esp. for purposes of taxation; to enumerate one by one.
To register or deposit, as a vote; to elicit or call forth, as votes or voters; as, he polled a hundred votes more than his opponent.
To vote at an election.
A parrot; - familiarly so called.
To cut off; to remove by clipping, shearing, etc.; to mow or crop; - sometimes with off; as, to poll the hair; to poll wool; to poll grass.
To cut or shave smooth or even; to cut in a straight line without indentation; as, a polled deed. See Dee poll.
By Oddity Software
The head; the back part of the head.
A number or aggregate of heads; a list or register of heads or individuals.
Specifically, the register of the names of electors who may vote in an election.
The casting or recording of the votes of registered electors; as, the close of the poll.
The place where the votes are cast or recorded; as, to go to the polls.
The broad end of a hammer; the but of an ax.
The European chub. See Pollard, 3 (a).
To remove the poll or head of; hence, to remove the top or end of; to clip; to lop; to shear; as, to poll the head; to poll a tree.
To extort from; to plunder; to strip.
To pay as one's personal tax.
To enter, as polls or persons, in a list or register; to enroll, esp. for purposes of taxation; to enumerate one by one.
To register or deposit, as a vote; to elicit or call forth, as votes or voters; as, he polled a hundred votes more than his opponent.
To vote at an election.
A parrot; - familiarly so called.
To cut off; to remove by clipping, shearing, etc.; to mow or crop; - sometimes with off; as, to poll the hair; to poll wool; to poll grass.
To cut or shave smooth or even; to cut in a straight line without indentation; as, a polled deed. See Dee poll.
By Noah Webster.
The head, especially the back part of it; a list of persons, especially those entitled to vote at elections; an election; number of votes recorded at an election; place where votes are cast: usually.
To lop, clip, or shear; as, to poll trees or sheep; to enroll, as for voting; to examine or record the votes of; as, to poll a jury; receive votes; as, he polled a large majority; to cast or drop in a ballot box.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
A familiar name, often of a parrot.
The round part of the head, esp. the back of it: a register of heads or persons: the entry of the names of electors who vote for civil officers, such as members of Congress: an election of civil officers: the place where the votes are taken.
To remove the top: to cut: to clip: to lop, as the branches of a tree: to enter one's name in a register: to bring to the poll as a voter.
By Daniel Lyons
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman
To enroll; canvass; vote.
To lop; clip; shear.
The head; hence, a person, or a list of persons.
The voting or votes at an election.
By James Champlin Fernald
n. [Dutch, German] The head, or the back part of the head;—a register of heads, that is, of persons;—hence, the entry of the names of electors who vote in parliamentary or municipal elections;—the place where an election is held;—the count of votes given in an election.
n. A parrot—familiarly so called.