\plˈʌnd͡ʒ], \plˈʌndʒ], \p_l_ˈʌ_n_dʒ]\
Definitions of PLUNGE
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1913 - Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
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engross (oneself) fully; "He immersed himself into his studies"
begin with vigor; "He launched into a long diatribe"; "She plunged into a dangerous adventure"
a steep and rapid fall
dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity; "She plunged at it eagerly"
By Princeton University
engross (oneself) fully; "He immersed himself into his studies"
Thrust or throw into; "Immerse yourself in the hot water"
begin with vigor; "He launched into a long diatribe"; "She plunged into a dangerous adventure"
a steep and rapid fall
dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity; "She plunged at it eagerly"
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
To baptize by immersion.
To thrust into water, or into any substance that is penetrable; to immerse; to cause to penetrate or enter quickly and forcibly; to thrust; as, to plunge the body into water; to plunge a dagger into the breast. Also used figuratively; as, to plunge a nation into war.
To entangle; to embarrass; to overcome.
To thrust or cast one's self into water or other fluid; to submerge one's self; to dive, or to rush in; as, he plunged into the river. Also used figuratively; as, to plunge into debt.
To pitch or throw one's self headlong or violently forward, as a horse does.
To bet heavily and with seeming recklessness on a race, or other contest; in an extended sense, to risk large sums in hazardous speculations.
The act of thrusting into or submerging; a dive, leap, rush, or pitch into, or as into, water; as, to take the water with a plunge.
Hence, a desperate hazard or act; a state of being submerged or overwhelmed with difficulties.
The act of pitching or throwing one's self headlong or violently forward, like an unruly horse.
Heavy and reckless betting in horse racing; hazardous speculation.
By Oddity Software
To baptize by immersion.
To thrust into water, or into any substance that is penetrable; to immerse; to cause to penetrate or enter quickly and forcibly; to thrust; as, to plunge the body into water; to plunge a dagger into the breast. Also used figuratively; as, to plunge a nation into war.
To entangle; to embarrass; to overcome.
To thrust or cast one's self into water or other fluid; to submerge one's self; to dive, or to rush in; as, he plunged into the river. Also used figuratively; as, to plunge into debt.
To pitch or throw one's self headlong or violently forward, as a horse does.
To bet heavily and with seeming recklessness on a race, or other contest; in an extended sense, to risk large sums in hazardous speculations.
The act of thrusting into or submerging; a dive, leap, rush, or pitch into, or as into, water; as, to take the water with a plunge.
Hence, a desperate hazard or act; a state of being submerged or overwhelmed with difficulties.
The act of pitching or throwing one's self headlong or violently forward, like an unruly horse.
Heavy and reckless betting in horse racing; hazardous speculation.
By Noah Webster.
To put suddenly into water or any other liquid.
To sink, fall, or rush, as into water; dive; throw the body forward; enter suddenly and quickly; as, to plunge into the woods.
The act of suddenly and quickly jumping, falling, entering, etc.; a sudden fall.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
To cast suddenly into water or other fluid: to force suddenly (into): to baptize by immersion.
To sink suddenly into any fluid: to dive: to rush headlong, as a horse: to rush into any danger.
Act of plunging: act of rushing headlong, as a horse.
By Daniel Lyons
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman
Word of the day
Theodore Tilton
- American journalist, verse-writer, editor, lecturer; born in New York city, Oct. 2, 1835. was long known as editor on the Independent(1856-72). established Golden Age(newspaper), but retired from it after two years. 1883 went abroad, where remained. Besides numerous essays fugitive pieces, he has published: "The Sexton's Tale, and Other Poems"(1867); "Sanctum Sanctorum; or, An Editor's Proof Sheets"(1869); "Tempest-Tossed", a romance(1873); "Thou I"(1880); "Suabian Stories",(1882). Died 1907.