\pˈiːpa͡ʊdə], \pˈiːpaʊdə], \p_ˈiː_p_aʊ_d_ə]\
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An ancient court of record in England, formerly incident to every fair and market, of which the steward of him who owned or had the toll was the judge.
By Oddity Software
An ancient court of record in England, formerly incident to every fair and market, of which the steward of him who owned or had the toll was the judge.
By Noah Webster.
p[=i]'pow-d[.e]r, n. an ancient court held in fairs and markets to administer justice in a rough-and-ready way to all comers--also Court of Dusty Foot.--adj. PIE'POWDERED, with dusty feet. [O. Fr. piepoudreux, a hawker, pied--L. pes, a foot, poudre, powder.]
By Thomas Davidson