\pˈe͡ɪpə], \pˈeɪpə], \p_ˈeɪ_p_ə]\
Definitions of PAPER
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1913 - Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
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a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements; "he read his newspaper at breakfast"
cover with paper; "paper the box"
medium for written communication; "the notion of an office running without paper is absurd"
a scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses; "he has written many scientific papers"
cover with wallpaper
made of paper; "they wore paper hats at the party"
By Princeton University
a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements; "he read his newspaper at breakfast"
cover with paper; "paper the box"
medium for written communication; "the notion of an office running without paper is absurd"
a scholarly article describing the results of observations or stating hypotheses; "he has written many scientific papers"
cover with wallpaper
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
Cloth or paper covered with powdered carborundum.
A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended to be written or printed on, or to be used in wrapping. It is made of rags, straw, bark, wood, or other fibrous material, which is first reduced to pulp, then molded, pressed, and dried.
A sheet, leaf, or piece of such substance.
A printed or written instrument; a document, essay, or the like; a writing; as, a paper read before a scientific society.
A printed sheet appearing periodically; a newspaper; a journal; as, a daily paper.
Negotiable evidences of indebtedness; notes; bills of exchange, and the like; as, the bank holds a large amount of his paper.
Decorated hangings or coverings for walls, made of paper. See Paper hangings, below.
A paper containing (usually) a definite quantity; as, a paper of pins, tacks, opium, etc.
A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application; as, cantharides paper.
Of or pertaining to paper; made of paper; resembling paper; existing only on paper; unsubstantial; as, a paper box; a paper army.
To cover with paper; to furnish with paper hangings; as, to paper a room or a house.
To fold or inclose in paper.
To put on paper; to make a memorandum of.
By Oddity Software
A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended to be written or printed on, or to be used in wrapping. It is made of rags, straw, bark, wood, or other fibrous material, which is first reduced to pulp, then molded, pressed, and dried.
A sheet, leaf, or piece of such substance.
A printed or written instrument; a document, essay, or the like; a writing; as, a paper read before a scientific society.
A printed sheet appearing periodically; a newspaper; a journal; as, a daily paper.
Negotiable evidences of indebtedness; notes; bills of exchange, and the like; as, the bank holds a large amount of his paper.
A paper containing (usually) a definite quantity; as, a paper of pins, tacks, opium, etc.
A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application; as, cantharides paper.
Of or pertaining to paper; made of paper; resembling paper; existing only on paper; unsubstantial; as, a paper box; a paper army.
To cover with paper; to furnish with paper hangings; as, to paper a room or a house.
To fold or inclose in paper.
To put on paper; to make a memorandum of.
Decorated hangings or coverings for walls, made of paper. See hangings, below.
Cloth or covered with powdered carborundum.
By Noah Webster.
A thin substance made of various materials, as wood, rags, etc., used for writing upon, or wrapping; a sheet of the substance; a newspaper; an essay or other writing; a legal document; bank notes or bills of exchange; a covering for walls.
Made of paper; thin.
To cover with paper.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
The substance on which we commonly write and print: a piece of paper: a document: a newspaper: an essay or literary contribution, generally brief: paper-money: paper-hangings.
Consisting or made of paper.
To cover with paper: to fold in paper.
By Daniel Lyons
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman
To put paper upon; cover with paper.
Of or pertaining to paper.
A substance made from fibrous material, as rags in thin sheets or strips; a piece of such material.
A printed or written instrument; newspaper; essay; pledges or promises to pay, collectivelY.
A package in a paper wrapping.
By James Champlin Fernald
n. [Latin, Greek] The principal material used for writing and printing; a thin flexible sheet produced by macerating linen or cotton rags in water, reducing them to a pulp, which is spread or rolled out, and then dried and pressed in the form of sheets;—also a coarser fabric in which rags are mingled with straw, hemp, or various grasses, used for wrapping or packing;—a sheet, leaf, or piece of such substance;—a printed or written instrument; a writing;—a newspaper; a journal;—notes; bills of exchange; bank-notes, and the like;—hangings printed or stamped for the walls of rooms.
Word of the day
- dull, stupid fellow; a drone. l[=oo]rd, n. (Spens.) a lout. [Fr. lourd, heavy.]