\ˈə͡ʊ fˈɔː hˈa͡ɪdɹɒksi θɹˈiː fˈa͡ɪv dˈɪɪˌɒdəfˌiːna͡ɪl θɹˈiː fˈa͡ɪv dˈɪɪˌɒdətˌɪɹəsˌa͡ɪn], \ˈəʊ fˈɔː hˈaɪdɹɒksi θɹˈiː fˈaɪv dˈɪɪˌɒdəfˌiːnaɪl θɹˈiː fˈaɪv dˈɪɪˌɒdətˌɪɹəsˌaɪn], \ˈəʊ__ f_ˈɔː h_ˈaɪ_d_ɹ_ɒ_k_s_i θ_ɹ_ˈiː f_ˈaɪ_v d_ˈɪ__ɪ__ˌɒ_d_ə_f_ˌiː_n_aɪ_l__ θ_ɹ_ˈiː f_ˈaɪ_v d_ˈɪ__ɪ__ˌɒ_d_ə_t_ˌɪ_ɹ_ə_s_ˌaɪ_n]\
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The major hormone derived from the thyroid gland. Thyroxine is synthesized via the iodination of tyrosines (MONOIODOTYROSINE) and the coupling of iodotyrosines (DIIODOTYROSINE) in the THYROGLOBULIN. Thyroxine is released from thyroglobulin by proteolysis and secreted into the blood. Thyroxine is peripherally deiodinated to form TRIIODOTHYRONINE which exerts a broad spectrum of stimulatory effects on cell metabolism.
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
Word of the day
Harmar, Josiah
- (1753-1813), born in Philadelphia, served during Revolutionary War, attaining rank of lieutenant-colonel, and was commander-in-chief the U.S. army from 1789 to 1792.
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