\nˈə͡ʊtɪs tuː vˈe͡ɪke͡ɪt], \nˈəʊtɪs tuː vˈeɪkeɪt], \n_ˈəʊ_t_ɪ_s t_uː v_ˈeɪ_k_eɪ_t]\
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A notice that is written by either the landlord or tenant giving a notice to leave the premises within a specified time frame, or to demand the same. The notice is typically given during the end of the lease period or due to an infringement of the lease agreement. In such cases, the tenant has 30 days to vacate the premises. On the other hand, if the tenant wishes to vacate, this notice empowers the landlord to advertise the rental place.
By Henry Campbell Black
Word of the day
ammonium chlorid
- Sal ammoniac, NH4CI, found native volcanic regions small quantities sea water and formed artificially by the direct combination of ammonia hydrochloric acid gas. Used in bronchitis.