\mˈə͡ʊtəz ˌɒkjʊlˈɔːɹəm], \mˈəʊtəz ˌɒkjʊlˈɔːɹəm], \m_ˈəʊ_t_ə_z ˌɒ_k_j_ʊ_l_ˈɔː_ɹ_ə_m]\
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This nerve arises from a depression at the inner side of the peduncles of the brain, between the tuber annulare and corpora mammillaria. It enters the outer part of the cavernous sinus, and passes into the orbitar cavity. Behind the sphenoidal fissure, it divides into two branches; the one superior and the other inferior. The farmer is lost on the rectus superior oculi and the levator palpebrae superioris; the latter- the larger of the two divides into three branches, which pass to the rectus internus, rectus inferior, and lesser oblique. The last furnishes a filament, which passes to the ophthalmic ganglion.
By Robley Dunglison
Word of the day
- One who accepts or maintains the dogma of papal infallibility.