\məsˈe͡ɪɪk], \məsˈeɪɪk], \m_ə_s_ˈeɪ_ɪ_k]\
Definitions of MOSAIC
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1913 - Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
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assembly of aerial photographs forming a composite picture
transducer formed by the light-sensitive surface on a television camera tube
a pattern resembling a mosaic
a freeware browser
viral disease in solanaceous plants (tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco) resulting in mottling and often shriveling of the leaves
By Princeton University
assembly of aerial photographs forming a composite picture
transducer formed by the light-sensitive surface on a television camera tube
a pattern resembling a mosaic
a freeware browser
viral disease in solanaceous plants (tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco) resulting in mottling and often shriveling of the leaves
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
A picture or design made in mosaic; an article decorated in mosaic.
Of or pertaining to the style of work called mosaic; formed by uniting pieces of different colors; variegated; tessellated; also, composed of various materials or ingredients.
Of or pertaining to Moses, the leader of the Israelites, or established through his agency; as, the Mosaic law, rites, or institutions.
A surface decoration made by inlaying in patterns small pieces of variously colored glass, stone, or other material; - called also mosaic work.
By Oddity Software
A picture or design made in mosaic; an article decorated in mosaic.
Of or pertaining to the style of work called mosaic; formed by uniting pieces of different colors; variegated; tessellated; also, composed of various materials or ingredients.
A surface decoration made by inlaying in patterns small pieces of variously colored glass, stone, or other material; - called also mosaic work.
Of or pertaining to Moses, the leader of the Israelites, or established through his agency; as, the law, rites, or institutions.
By Noah Webster.
A design made by tiny pieces of glass, stone, etc., of various colors, inlaid in a ground of stucco or metal.
Pertaining to, or consisting of, such work.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
By Daniel Lyons
composed of mosaic.
Pertaining to Moses or the Jewish law.
Work in which objects are represented by small pieces of colored stone, &c., cemented to a ground.
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman