\hˈi͡əɹə͡ʊdˌi͡ənəs], \hˈiəɹəʊdˌiənəs], \h_ˈiə_ɹ_əʊ_d_ˌiə_n_ə_s]\
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A Greek historian, who lived in the last part of the second and the first half of the third century A. D. He wrote a history of Rome from the death of Marcus Aurelius (180 A. D.) to the accession of Gordianus IlI. (238 A. D.), which is of special value for the reigns of the emperors subsequent to Alexander Severus. Although written in a rather declamatory style, it is distinguished for candor and independence of view.
By Charles Dudley Warner
Word of the day
- Being indicating fourth syllable from end of a word, or that before the antepenult.