\hˈe͡ɪnɹɪt͡ʃ ˈalbət zakˈe͡əɹi͡ə], \hˈeɪnɹɪtʃ ˈalbət zakˈeəɹiə], \h_ˈeɪ_n_ɹ_ɪ_tʃ ˈa_l_b_ə_t z_a_k_ˈeə_ɹ_iə]\
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A German publicist; born at Herbsleben, Saxe-Gotha, Nov. 20, 1806; died at Kannstadt, April 29, 1875, being then professor in the University of Gottingen. Among his works are: "German States' Rights and Federal Rights" (1841); "Manual of German Criminal Procedure" (1860); "German Constitutional Laws of the Present Time" (1855); "The Question of the Competence of the Empire in View of the Dogma of Infallibility" (1871).
By Charles Dudley Warner