\fəsˈɪlɪti], \fəsˈɪlɪti], \f_ə_s_ˈɪ_l_ɪ_t_i]\
Definitions of FACILITY
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1913 - Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
- 1790 - A Complete Dictionary of the English Language
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skillful performance or ability without difficulty; "his quick adeptness was a product of good design"; "he was famous for his facility as an archer"
services and space and equipment provided for a particular purpose; "catering facilities"; "toilet facilities"
By Princeton University
skillful performance or ability without difficulty; "his quick adeptness was a product of good design"; "he was famous for his facility as an archer"
services and space and equipment provided for a particular purpose; "catering facilities"; "toilet facilities"
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
The quality of being easily performed; freedom from difficulty; ease; as, the facility of an operation.
Ease in performance; readiness proceeding from skill or use; dexterity; as, practice gives a wonderful facility in executing works of art.
Easiness to be persuaded; readiness or compliance; - usually in a bad sense; pliancy.
That which promotes the ease of any action or course of conduct; advantage; aid; assistance; - usually in the plural; as, special facilities for study.
By Oddity Software
The quality of being easily performed; freedom from difficulty; ease; as, the facility of an operation.
Ease in performance; readiness proceeding from skill or use; dexterity; as, practice gives a wonderful facility in executing works of art.
Easiness to be persuaded; readiness or compliance; - usually in a bad sense; pliancy.
That which promotes the ease of any action or course of conduct; advantage; aid; assistance; - usually in the plural; as, special facilities for study.
By Noah Webster.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
Quality of being facile or easily done; dexterity; easiness to be persuaded; pliancy; easiness of access; affability; -pl. FACILITIES, means that render anything easy to be done.
By Daniel Lyons
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman
By James Champlin Fernald
n. Quality of being easily performed; ease; — readiness proceeding from skill or use; dexterity; expertness; — easiness to be persuaded— usually in a bad sense; pliancy; — easiness of access; complaisance; affability;—pl. Facilities, suitable or convenient means; opportunities; advantages.
Word of the day
Harmar, Josiah
- (1753-1813), born in Philadelphia, served during Revolutionary War, attaining rank of lieutenant-colonel, and was commander-in-chief the U.S. army from 1789 to 1792.