\ˈɛnəmə], \ˈɛnəmə], \ˈɛ_n_ə_m_ə]\
Definitions of ENEMA
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1898 - Warner's pocket medical dictionary of today.
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1846 - Medical lexicon: a dictionary of medical science
- 1898 - American pocket medical dictionary
- 1916 - Appleton's medical dictionary
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
Sort: Oldest first
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
By William R. Warner
By Daniel Lyons
By Robley Dunglison
By Willam Alexander Newman Dorland
By Smith Ely Jelliffe
Word of the day
- dull, stupid fellow; a drone. l[=oo]rd, n. (Spens.) a lout. [Fr. lourd, heavy.]