\dɹakˈə͡ʊniz sˈaŋɡwiz], \dɹakˈəʊniz sˈaŋɡwiz], \d_ɹ_a_k_ˈəʊ_n_i_z s_ˈa_ŋ_ɡ_w_i_z]\
Word of the day
Linkage Disequilibrium
- Nonrandom association genes. This is tendency the alleles of two separate but already linked loci to found together more frequently than would be expected by chance alone.
Nearby Words
- dracol
- draconian
- draconic
- draconin
- draconine
- Draconis sanguis
- draconthaema
- dracontiasis
- dracontic
- dracontine
- dracontium