\kˈɒpɪ], \kˈɒpɪ], \k_ˈɒ_p_ɪ]\
Definitions of COPY
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 2010 - Legal Glossary Database
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
- 1790 - A Complete Dictionary of the English Language
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a secondary representation of an original; "she made a copy of the designer dress"
matter to be printed; exclusive of graphical materials
material suitable for a journalistic account; "catastrophes make good copy"
By Princeton University
a secondary representation of an original; "she made a copy of the designer dress"
matter to be printed; exclusive of graphical materials
material suitable for a journalistic account; "catastrophes make good copy"
By DataStellar Co., Ltd
An abundance or plenty of anything.
An imitation, transcript, or reproduction of an original work; as, a copy of a letter, an engraving, a painting, or a statue.
An individual book, or a single set of books containing the works of an author; as, a copy of the Bible; a copy of the works of Addison.
That which is to be imitated, transcribed, or reproduced; a pattern, model, or example; as, his virtues are an excellent copy for imitation.
Manuscript or printed matter to be set up in type; as, the printers are calling for more copy.
A writing paper of a particular size. Same as Bastard. See under Paper.
Copyhold; tenure; lease.
To make a copy or copies of; to write; print, engrave, or paint after an original; to duplicate; to reproduce; to transcribe; as, to copy a manuscript, inscription, design, painting, etc.; -- often with out, sometimes with off.
To imitate; to attempt to resemble, as in manners or course of life.
To make a copy or copies; to imitate.
To yield a duplicate or transcript; as, the letter did not copy well.
By Oddity Software
For copyright purposes, the physical form in which an expression is reproduced and retained over time, no matter how brief. Copies include such things as photocopies, computer disks and tape recordings. The exclusive right to prepare copies of an original work is one of the primary rights protected by a copyright.
By Oddity Software
An imitation; a duplicate; a writing exercise; a pattern given for imitation; manuscript to be set up in type.
To transcribe; reproduce.
To imitate.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
One of a number, esp. of books: an imitation from an original pattern: that which is imitated: an original work: manuscript for printing.
By Daniel Lyons
One of a number. esp. of books; a pattern; imitation; manuscript for printing.
To imitate; transcribe.
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman
To reproduce; imitate.
A reproduction; imitation; duplicate; one of an edition or issue.
A pattern for imitation, as manuscript to be set up in type.
By James Champlin Fernald
n. [French] A writing like another writing; a transcript; a book printed according to the original; —one of a series of imitations of an original work; - the manuscript, &c., placed in the compositor’s hands; —any thing to be imitated; a model; pattern.
Word of the day
- In statutes of frauds. An open, visible, and unequivocal change possession, manifested by the usual outward signs, as distinguished from a merely formal or constructive change. Randall Parker, 3 Sandf. (Y.) 09; Murcii v. Swensen, 40 Minn. 421, 42 N. W. 290; Dodge v. .Tones, 7 Mont. 121, 14 Pac. 707; Stevens Irwin, 15 Cal. 503. 76 Am. Dec. 500