\kəndˈɛnsə], \kəndˈɛnsə], \k_ə_n_d_ˈɛ_n_s_ə]\
Definitions of CONDENSER
- 2006 - WordNet 3.0
- 2011 - English Dictionary Database
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1898 - American pocket medical dictionary
- 1916 - Appleton's medical dictionary
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
- 1790 - A Complete Dictionary of the English Language
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By DataStellar Co., Ltd
One who, or that which, condenses.
An instrument for condensing air or other elastic fluids, consisting of a cylinder having a movable piston to force the air into a receiver, and a valve to prevent its escape.
An instrument for concentrating electricity by the effect of induction between conducting plates separated by a nonconducting plate.
A lens or mirror, usually of short focal distance, used to concentrate light upon an object.
An apparatus for receiving and condensing the volatile products of distillation to a liquid or solid form, by cooling.
An apparatus, separate from the cylinder, in which the exhaust steam is condensed by the action of cold water or air. See Illust. of Steam engine.
By Oddity Software
An apparatus for reducing vapors to a liquid form: an appliance for collecting or condensing electricity.
By Daniel Lyons
Device for illuminating microscopic objects.
Worm, or corresponding part, of apparatus for distillation.
By Willam Alexander Newman Dorland
An apparatus for effecting condensation of vapor, light, etc.; of Volta, an electrical accumulator.
By Smith Ely Jelliffe
Word of the day
Harmar, Josiah
- (1753-1813), born in Philadelphia, served during Revolutionary War, attaining rank of lieutenant-colonel, and was commander-in-chief the U.S. army from 1789 to 1792.