\t͡ʃˈɜːt͡ʃ ˈɪntɪd͡ʒə], \tʃˈɜːtʃ ˈɪntɪdʒə], \tʃ_ˈɜː_tʃ ˈɪ_n_t_ɪ_dʒ_ə]\
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A representation of integers as functions invented byAlonzo Church, inventor of lambda-calculus. The integer Nis represented as a higher-order function which applies agiven function N times to a given expression. In the purelambda-calculus there are no constants but numbers can berepresented by Church integers.A Haskell function to return a given Church integer could bewritten:church n = c where c f x = if n == 0 then x else c' f (f x) where c' = church (n-1)A function to turn a Church integer into an ordinary integer:unchurch c = c (+1) 0See also von Neumann integer.
By Denis Howe
Word of the day
archibald lampman
- Canadian poet; born Morpeth, Canada, Nov. 17, 1861; died at Ottawa, Feb. 10, 1899. was graduate Trinity College, Toronto(1882), after 1883 held an appointment in Post Office Department Ottawa. constant contributor verse to papers magazines Dominion United States, he published two collections poems, "Among the Millet"(1888), and "Lyrics of Earth"(1895), which reveal a deep love nature outdoor life. Mr. Howells ranks him with strongest American singers.