\ɐdhˈi͡əɹənt], \ɐdhˈiəɹənt], \ɐ_d_h_ˈiə_ɹ_ə_n_t]\
Definitions of ADHERENT
- 2010 - New Age Dictionary Database
- 1913 - Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
- 1919 - The Winston Simplified Dictionary
- 1899 - The american dictionary of the english language.
- 1894 - The Clarendon dictionary
- 1919 - The Concise Standard Dictionary of the English Language
- 1920 - A dictionary of scientific terms.
- 1871 - The Cabinet Dictionary of the English Language
Sort: Oldest first
Sticking; clinging; adhering.
Attached as an attribute or circumstance.
Congenitally united with an organ of another kind, as calyx with ovary, or stamens with petals.
One who adheres; one who adheres; one who follows a leader, party, or profession; a follower, or partisan; a believer in a particular faith or church.
That which adheres; an appendage.
By Oddity Software
Sticking; clinging; adhering.
Attached as an attribute or circumstance.
Congenitally united with an organ of another kind, as calyx with ovary, or stamens with petals.
One who adheres; one who adheres; one who follows a leader, party, or profession; a follower, or partisan; a believer in a particular faith or church.
That which adheres; an appendage.
By Noah Webster.
Sticking; clinging.
By William Dodge Lewis, Edgar Arthur Singer
By Daniel Lyons
By William Hand Browne, Samuel Stehman Haldeman
By James Champlin Fernald
By Henderson, I. F.; Henderson, W. D.
Word of the day
Harmar, Josiah
- (1753-1813), born in Philadelphia, served during Revolutionary War, attaining rank of lieutenant-colonel, and was commander-in-chief the U.S. army from 1789 to 1792.