\ˈaktɪˌə͡ʊ vˌiːˈa͡ɪ bənˈɔːɹəm ɹaptˈɔːɹəm], \ˈaktɪˌəʊ vˌiːˈaɪ bənˈɔːɹəm ɹaptˈɔːɹəm], \ˈa_k_t_ɪ__ˌəʊ v_ˌiː__ˈaɪ b_ə_n_ˈɔː_ɹ_ə_m ɹ_a_p_t_ˈɔː_ɹ_ə_m]\
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An action for goods taken by force; a species of mixed action, which lay for a party whose goods or movables (bona) had been taken from him by force, (vi,) to recover the things so taken, together with a penalty of triple the value. Inst. 4. 2; Id. 4, 0. 19. Bracton describes it as lying de rebus mobilibus vi ablatis sivc robbatis, (for movable tilings taken away by force, or robbed.) Bract, fol. 1036.
By Henry Campbell Black
Word of the day
Silene Virginica
- perennial herb of eastern North America, having red flowers with narrow notched petals The root has been employed in decoction, as an efficacious anthelmintic.