\hˈɜːniə], \hˈɜːniə], \h_ˈɜː_n_i__ə]\
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  • Epiplocele-h. Parorchidoenterica, Parorchido-enterocele-h. Perinaei, see Hernia-h. Pharyngis, Pharyngocele-h. Phrenic, Diaphragmatic hernia-h. Pinguedinosa Scroti, Liparocele-h. of the Pleura, Pleurocele-h. Pleurica et pulmonalis, Pleurocele-h. Pudendal, Pudendal hernia-h. Sacci lacrymalis, Lachrymal hernia, Mucocele-h. Scrotalis, Scrotocele-h. Seminalis scroti, Spermatocele-h. of the Stomach, Gastrocele-h. Suprapubian, H. inguinal-h. of the Tongue, Glossocele-h. Umbilicalis, Epiplomphalon, Exomphalos-h. Umbilici Aquosa, Hydromphalum-h. Urachi, Uromphalus-h. Uteri, Hysterocele-h. Varicose, Cirsocele-h. Varicosa, Varicocele-h. Venarum, Varix-h. Veneris, Hernia humoralis-h. Ventosa, Physocele-h. Ventral, see Ventral-h. Ventriculi, Gastrocele-h. Vesicae Urinariae, Cystocele-h. Zirbalis, Epiplocele.
1846 - Medical lexicon: a dictionary of medical science
By Robley Dunglison

Word of the day


  • [Greek] Structurally adapted to an aquatic environment, as organs of water plants.
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